When is the best time for a rooster to be born? The rooster is represented by “unitary” in the twelve branches of the earth. In a year, the unitary month is August, representing the month of storage, and is the season for ripe harvest of crops. At this time, the sky was high and the west wind was rising, and the atmosphere was solemn. The direction is due west and belongs to Dui Gong. In the middle of the day, Youshi refers to 5: 00 p.m. to 7: 00 p.m., which means the time to go home from work. After a busy day’s work, the night comes. What is the best time for chickens to be born ? For details, please see what is the best time for chickens . For friends reference!

what time is the best time for a rooster to be born ?

chickens are born in the morning (07:00-08:59):

Chen native holds unitary gold, has a sincere temperament, cares for each other in words and deeds, has the highest authority, and is defeated violently in the end.

chickens are born in shengshi (15:00-16:59):

Kind-hearted, academic success, loyalty and filial piety, not expensive is good, go out to be admired, famous all over the world, old to glory, life enjoy glory and wealth.

chickens are born in Haishi (21:00-22:59):

Youjin Sheng holds the sea water, leaves his hometown, and has a good fortune.

which month  is best for a chicken born?

born in February, the rooster is free to enter and leave, happy in spirit, full of anger, successful in life, peaceful in heart and righteousness, seeking success in old age, and being high and cold.

born in March, the rooster is intelligent in nature, has a brainwave, increases salaries, is a gift from heaven, bears the shade of the ancestors, has a glorious life, is full of food and clothing, gloriously proud of the ancestors, and shows his children and grandchildren.

born in April, is optimistic by nature, intelligent and self-controlled, down-to-earth, trade-minded and easy to start from scratch.

born in August, a rooster is brave and resourceful, talented and intelligent, and will eventually become honorable, what he seeks, what he wishes, what he will achieve, what he admires, and what he has both fame and fortune.

born in September, the rooster is talented, developed, easy-going, voluntary, independent and exclusive, prosperous and happy.

The fate of the rooster at birth:

chickens born at zi shi (23:00-00:59)

If you can get the help of your grandparents, you will be successful in your career and have a lot of food and clothing. However, the chicken people born at this time have no ambition in their lives, and it is difficult to make greater contributions to the society, and there are villains who are obstructed. The chicken people sometimes feel at a loss, resulting in unnecessary losses and defeats.

chickens born at chou shi (01:00-02:59)

If you are lucky in your life and have plenty of food and clothing, you will spend your life satisfactorily. The chicken people born at this time are irritable, bold and brave, not afraid of violence and disasters, can rise up in difficult situations, and many of them are upright and righteous, so they are loved and respected by the local people. However, the chicken people born at this time still have villain secretly framed in their life. Their career in their life is not very famous, and only their courage and righteousness will spread to one side.

chickens born at yin shi (03:00-04:59)

A lifetime of happiness. At this time, the rooster was born with regular facial features, good health, honesty and honesty, and no lack of food and clothing. Its temperament ups and downs, sometimes capricious, for this reason, often misunderstanding with people, causing unnecessary losses.

people born in Maoshi (05:00-06:59)

he has experienced ups and downs in his life. he is smart and clever, but he has a strange temper and is difficult to get along with others. he often hurts others, which will cause a lot of wrong words. Chicken people born at this time should learn more, believe that knowledge is strength, cultivate one’s character, and get rid of strange temper. Otherwise, there will be few days of peace and peace in life.

chickens born at Chen shi (07:00-08:59)

Happy life, rich food and clothing. At this time, the chicken people born are docile, honest, consistent with their words and deeds, but they are stubborn, love to go their own way, and are hard to listen to other people’s advice. The rooster born at this time has the support of noble people in both official career and financial path, and their career can develop smoothly.

chickens born at si shi(09:00-10:59)

Life ups and downs, happiness and ups and downs coexist. At this time, the rooster is easy to succeed and fail. He has been trained in the continuous failure and can succeed and develop in the end. We should size up the situation, adapt to changes, and be neither arrogant nor impetuous. When we are prosperous, we should maintain a peaceful state of mind as when we are poor, so that we can develop smoothly and not fail miserably.

chickens born at noon (11:00-12:59)

Being smart, capable, happy and glorious. The chicken born at this time can get the help of six relatives and the support of noble people, so the career can be smooth and prosperous. However, the chicken born at this time loves beauty all his life, which will bring adverse effects to the career of the chicken, and his bad habits should be restrained.

the unborn rooster (13:00-14:59)

Being a man of many talents and many abilities, he is clever and clever. He is supported by noble people when he goes out, and he can start a family business when he leaves his hometown. The first luck is hard, the middle luck is better, and the old age is good.

chickens born at Shen Shi (15:00-16:59)

Kind-hearted, academic success, loyalty and filial piety, not expensive is good, go out to be admired, famous all over the world, old to glory, life enjoy glory and wealth.

chickens born at youshi  (17:00-18:59)

A happy and peaceful life. At this time, the chicken people born at this time have the help of their parents and the support of noble people outside, so they can be satisfied with their official career or financial career. However, the rooster people born at this time have a thinner relationship between brothers and sisters and a greater ups and downs in their career.

chickens born at qushi (19:00-20:59)

life with a post horse, life career in the field, more toil. The rooster born at this time will be far away from their hometown in their youth and go to other places to start a career. Most of them can achieve good results, but there will be many ups and downs in marriage. They should be loyal to love and can’t change their mind. Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

chickens born at Haishisheng  (21:00-22:59)

The man is ambitious and can live a life of ample food and clothing. The chicken people born at this time are smart and flexible, good at management, strong in professionalism, and decent in style. Although they lack the help of their parents all their lives, they will rely on their own smart efforts to make their careers on the right track and will eventually make some achievements.

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