I ching hexagram 7 The Army (shī) means  starting each new business, show firmness of character, be tough, courageous, self-confident. Caution is a must, consider every step. Discord with loved ones cannot be avoided, but you will have new associates and friends who will support you. A short pause in… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 7 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 6 Conflict (sung) means  you obviously lack peace of mind, the world around you has lost harmony for you, an internal conflict may appear inside. Be careful, avoid ambiguous situations, suspicious people and unnecessary changes. Patience, endurance and prudence, this is what is needed now. Be less ambitious for… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 6: love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 5 Patience (xū)  means wait for a more favorable moment, but for now gather your strength. An era of prosperity is already visible on the horizon, but do not frighten off luck with hasty and risky actions. The time is not far off when a new person… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 5 : career, love,health and advice

I ching hexagram 3 Initial Difficulty (Zhun), In the coming period, you don’t need to start new things, put everything off until better times, but you shouldn’t be upset about this temporary phenomenon, after a short period of time your business will go uphill, but for now, just take a… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 3 : love, career, health and advice

Hexagram 63 from the I Ching is all about envisioning another climb and never truly giving up on work. Accepting your circumstances as they are would mean everything is perfect. But, the concept of perfection isn’t real. Therefore, work needs to continue even after completion. When you finally reach the… Continue Reading I Ching Hexagram 63 Oracle of Love,I Ching 63 For Love & Relationships

Hexagram 61 from the I Ching enlightens you about the neverending reign of truth and why it is the ultimate tool of power in this fierce and corrupt world. Truth is power in its purest form. Upon its revelation, it can change minds, perspectives, and perhaps even the entire world.… Continue Reading I Ching Hexagram 61 love readings,Hexagram 61 For Love & Relationships

Hexagram 7  inform you about the movement of universal forces so you can plan your next move according to what life is about to throw your way.  Hexagram 7 is all about unification and joining hands with potential allies.  If you take a look at Hexagram 7 itself, it’s primarily… Continue Reading What Is 7 I Ching For Love?Hexagram 7 Message In Love

Hexagram 5 is one of the 64 hexagrams mentioned in the ancient book of I Ching.  Hexagram 5 is all about mastering patience and honing in on the beauty of going slow. Hexagram 5 is composed of 2 broken and 4 unbroken horizontal lines. While the first half of the Hexagram… Continue Reading What Is 5 I Ching For Love?Hexagram 5 Message In Love

You can certainly ask the I Ching the same question twice, but it’s important to consider the context and the timing of the repeated inquiry. Here are some considerations: Timing: Immediate Repeats: Asking the same question immediately after receiving an answer is generally discouraged. It’s seen as not giving enough… Continue Reading Can I ask the I Ching the same question twice?

What is the I Ching? The I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes or Zhou Yi, is one of the oldest and most influential texts in Chinese history. It is traditionally considered to be a fundamental work that has had a profound impact on Chinese thought and culture.… Continue Reading What is the I Ching? How to perform an I Ching reading?