What is the I Ching? The I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes or Zhou Yi, is one of the oldest and most influential texts in Chinese history. It is traditionally considered to be a fundamental work that has had a profound impact on Chinese thought and culture.… Continue Reading What is the I Ching? How to perform an I Ching reading?

Hexagram 63:Above K’an the abysmal, Water   Below Li the Clinging, Fire This hexagram is the evolution of T’ai Peace (11) . The transition from confusion to order is completed, and everything is in its proper place even in particulars. The strong lines are in the strong places, the weak… Continue Reading IChing hexagram 63: After Completion -Meaning and Interpretation

Hexagram 62:Above Chen the Arousing, Thunder   Below Ken Keeping Still, Mountain While in the hexagram Ta Kuo, Preponderance of the Great (28), the strong lines preponderate and are within, inclosed between weak lines at the top and bottom, the present hexagram has weak lines preponderating, though here again they… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram 62 meaning: Preponderance of the Small

Hexagram 60 : Above K’an the abysmal, Water   Below Tui the Joyous, Lake A lake occupies a limited space. When more water comes into it, it overflows. Therefore limits must be set for the water. The image shows water below and water above, with the firmament between them as… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram 60 Limitation:Meaning and Interpretation

Hexagram 58 : Above Tui the Joyous, Lake   Below Tui the Joyous, Lake This hexagram, like sun, is one of the eight formed by doubling of a trigram. The trigram Tui denotes the youngest daughter; it is symbolized by the smiling lake, and its attribute is joyousness. Contrary to… Continue Reading Meaning of IChing Hexagram 58: Tui / The Joyous, Lake

Hexagram 56: Above Li the Clinging, Fire   Below Ken Keeping Still, Mountain The mountain, Ken, stands still; above it fire, Li, flames up and does not tarry. Therefore the two trigrams do not stay together. Strange lands and separation are the wanderer’s lot. Judgement The Wanderer. Success through smallness.… Continue Reading Exploring Hexagram 56:The Wanderer Meaning and Interpretation

Hexagram 46:Above K’un the Receptive, Earth   Below Sun the Gentle, Wind, Wood. The lower trigram, Sun, represents wood, and the upper, K’un, means the earth. Linked with this is the idea that wood in the earth grows upward. In contrast to the meaning of Chin, Progress (35), this pushing… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram 46 Pushing Upward:Meaning and Interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 29 – K’an / The Abysmal (Water):Above K’an the abysmal, Water. Below K’an the abysmal, Water This hexagram consists of a doubling of the trigram K’an. It is one of the eight hexagrams in which doubling occurs. The trigram K’an means a plunging in. A yang line… Continue Reading iChing 29: The Abysmal -Meaning and Interpretation

Hexagram 34 The Power of the Great:Above Chen the Arousing, Thunder. Below Ch’ien the Creative, Heaven The great lines, that is, the light, strong lines, are powerful. Four light lines have entered the hexagram from below and are about to ascend higher. The upper trigram is Chen, the Arousing; the… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram 34 meaning: The Power of the Great

Hexagram 30:Above Li the Clinging, Fire. Below Li the Clinging, Fire This hexagram is another double sign. The trigram Li means to cling to something, and also brightness. A dark line clings to two light lines, one above and one below–the image of an empty space between two strong lines,… Continue Reading Exploring IChing Hexagram 30: The Clinging, Fire explained