I ching hexagram 34 Great Power (da zhuang) means try to be tolerant of your surroundings, too active actions contrary to their point of view can offend people, be tactful and not intrusive. Postpone leadership for later, now you don’t need it, give it to other people. Your willingness to move… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 34 : meaning, love, career and health

The hexagram 63 After Completion (ji ji) means with the most cherished desires, you have to wait, the time has not yet come for them, but you can fully count on the fulfillment of small ones in the near future. Try to be honest in money and then luck will surely… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 63 : Love, career, health and advice

hexagram 62 Re-development of the small (xiao guo) means you have troubles ahead, unfortunately, it is not in your power to prevent them, so humble yourself and wait out the unfavorable period, it will not last long. Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps someone close to you is harming… Continue Reading I ching hexagram 62 : love, career, health, advice

I ching hexagram 5 Patience (xū)  means wait for a more favorable moment, but for now gather your strength. An era of prosperity is already visible on the horizon, but do not frighten off luck with hasty and risky actions. The time is not far off when a new person… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 5 : career, love,health and advice

I ching hexagram 4 Youthful Folly (méng) .  Hexagram 4 means you will come to peace of mind at this moment in time by communicating with your environment, use their advice, mentors and leaders will help you take important steps towards your goal. All the best in your life is… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 4:career, love, health and advice

Hexagram 1 Creativitу (Qian) . Try to act in a way that maintains common sense and does not lose your head over opportunities and sudden freedom. New perspectives can deprive you of a sense of self-preservation. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting bogged down in problems and troubles on the… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 1 : love, career, health and advice

With eyes that only care to look at the grand scheme of things, smaller details often go unnoticed. Hexagram 62 from the I Ching is all about directing your attention towards the smaller details and happenings of life. A wise man understands the value of depths and minute checkpoints that… Continue Reading What Is 62 i ching for love?Hexagram 62 Message For Love & Relationships

Hexagram 6  is all about facing obstacles and bringing yourself closer to the light.  If you take a look at the Hexagram itself, you’ll notice that it’s the opposite of Hexagram 5 which had 3 unbroken lines at the bottom rather than the top. Though Hexagrams are meant to make… Continue Reading What Is 6 I Ching For Love?Hexagram 6 Message In Love

Hexagram 2 is one of the 64 hexagrams mentioned in the ancient book of I Ching. It is composed of six broken lines all horizontally stacked on top of each other. Hexagram 2 is representative of the mare. If the I Chang draws you towards the six broken lines of… Continue Reading meaning of Hexagram 2 i ching for love

You can certainly ask the I Ching the same question twice, but it’s important to consider the context and the timing of the repeated inquiry. Here are some considerations: Timing: Immediate Repeats: Asking the same question immediately after receiving an answer is generally discouraged. It’s seen as not giving enough… Continue Reading Can I ask the I Ching the same question twice?