I ching hexagram 10 – Treading Carefully (lu) means silence is gold. Learn not to talk too much, before you say something, think it over, your speech should be pleasing to the ear of the interlocutor. Accept someone else’s help, especially from those who have strength and power, it will help you… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 10 : meaning, love, career and advice

i ching hexagram 12 Standstill (pi) means definitely things are not going quite as we would like, there is some uncertainty and confusion. Try not to exceed your real capabilities for now and limit yourself to small things, leaving large-scale projects for the future. Wait now, and then, having accumulated strength,… Continue Reading i ching 12 – Standstill : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 44 – Coupling (gou) means stop arguing with people, limit your exorbitant spending if you don’t want to lose everything. The best thing for you is to immerse yourself in household chores, make plans for the future, or indulge in meditation and self-improvement. This is the only… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 44 : meaning, love, career and advice

I ching hexagram 19 – Approach (lin) means your financial situation will improve significantly, there will be more money. However, do not be arrogant, exclude arrogance in dealing with others, otherwise it will negatively affect your relationship and the pleasure of success will not be complete. Each of your undertakings is… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 19 – Approach: meaning, love, career and advice

I ching hexagram 49 – Change (ge) means now is a very favorable time for completely new projects, start something from scratch and this will surely lead to success. Do not sit still, try to be in time everywhere as possible, because life changes at an incredible speed, and then… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 49 : career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 29 – Dangerous Depths (Si-kan) means in the coming unfavorable period, immerse yourself in household chores, calm down, regularity in life will return you to peace of mind. Of the 4 possible combinations, this is considered to be the most negative. During such a period, it is… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 29 : career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 26 – Tamed Potential (Da-choo) neans the life situation will change for the better, your desires will begin to come true, but this will not happen immediately, you have to wait a bit. Save your strength, do not start new things, put your life on pause for… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 26 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 38 – Discord (kui) means in the coming period, try not to start big things, for this you now do not have enough strength and will not have enough time, take care of small household chores for now, this is where success will await you. Hexagram Kui… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 38 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 39 – Obstacle (jian):  means dedicate yourself to everyday problems and family, work on mistakes, analyze the past period of your life. Try to use your money resources more economically, difficult times are ahead and you will definitely need them.  In the coming period, you can count… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 39: love, health, career and advice

i ching hexagram 35 Progress (jin) means you have small financial losses ahead of you, however, do not worry, all these are trifles against the backdrop of large acquisitions that fate promises you. With the fulfillment of desires, you also have to wait a bit. Finally, you are the minion of… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 35 : love, career, health and advice