Hexagram 43:Above Tui the Joyous, Lake   Below Ch’ien the Creative, Heaven.This hexagram signifies on the one hand a break-through after a long accumulation of tension, as a swollen river breaks through its dikes, or in the manner of a cloudburst. On the other hand, applied to human conditions, it… Continue Reading IChing hexagram 43 explained: Kuai / Break-through

I Ching Hexagram 42:Above Sun the Gentle, Wind   Below Chen the Arousing, Thunder The idea of increase is expressed in the fact that the strong lowest line of the upper trigram has sunk down and taken its place under the lower trigram. This conception also expresses the fundamental idea… Continue Reading Exploring Hexagram 42: I / Increase

Hexagram 40 – Deliverance:Above Chen the Arousing, Thunder. Below K’an the abysmal, Water Here the movement goes out of the sphere of danger. The obstacle has been removed, the difficulties are being resolved. Deliverance is not yet achieved; it is just in its beginning, and the hexagram represents its various… Continue Reading IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained

Hexagram 25:Above Ch’ien the Creative, Heaven .  Below Chen the Arousing, Thunder Ch’ien, heaven is above; Chen, movement, is below. The lower trigram Chen is under the influence of the strong line it has received form above, from heaven. When, in accord with this, movement follows the law of heaven,… Continue Reading IChing hexagram 25 divination: Innocence explained

Hexagram 20 :Above Sun the Gentle, Wind.   Below K’un the Receptive, Earth A slight variation of tonal stress gives the Chinese name for this hexagram a double meaning. It means both contemplating and being seen, in the sense of being an example. These ideas are suggested by the fact that… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram 20 meaning: Contemplation (View)

Hexagram 19:Above K’un the Receptive, Earth   Below Tui the Joyous, Lake The Chinese word lin has a range of meanings that is not exhausted by any single word of another language. The ancient explanations in the Book of Changes give as its first meaning, becoming great. What becomes great… Continue Reading Meaning of IChing Hexagram 19: Lin /Approach

Hexagram 17:Above Tui the Joyous, Lake   Below Chen the Arousing, Thunder The trigram Tui, the Joyous, whose attribute is gladness, is above; Chen, the Arousing, which has the attribute of movement, is below. Joy in movement induces following. The Joyous is the youngest daughter, while the Arousing is the… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram 17: Following -Meaning and Interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 14 : Above Li the Clinging, Flame   Below Ch’ien the Creative, Heaven The fire in heaven above shines far, and all things stand out in the light and become manifest. The weak fifth line occupies the place of honor and all the strong lines are in… Continue Reading Exploring Hexagram 14: Possession in Great Measure

IChing Hexagram 13:Above Ch’ien the Creative, Heaven .  Below Li the Clinging, Flame The image of the upper trigram Ch’ien is heaven, and that of the lower, Li, is flame. It is the nature of fire to flame up to the heaven. This gives the idea of fellowship. It is… Continue Reading IChing Hexagram Meanings: hexagram 13- Fellowship with Men

I Ching Hexagram 9 – The Taming Power of the Small:Above Sun the Gentle, Wind   Below Ch’ien the Creative, Heaven. This hexagram means the force of the small–the power of the shadowy–that restrains, tames, impedes. A weak line in the fourth place, that of the minister, holds the five… Continue Reading IChing hexagram 9 explained: The Taming Power of the Small