I ching hexagram 20 – Contemplation (guan) means all changes in life deserve the most serious attitude, carefully analyze the events, in the future the knowledge gained can be very useful. Fate will present you with an unpleasant surprise, be prepared for this. Try to make sense of your life, carefully… Continue Reading i ching 20 – Contemplation : love, career, health and advice

i ching hexagram 35 Progress (jin) means you have small financial losses ahead of you, however, do not worry, all these are trifles against the backdrop of large acquisitions that fate promises you. With the fulfillment of desires, you also have to wait a bit. Finally, you are the minion of… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 35 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 33 Retreat (Dun) means in the coming period of life, think about rest, it will be quite useful. Go on a trip, have fun and develop yourself. Leave your affairs for a while, because after resting and gaining strength, you can take on them with a double… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 33 : health, love, career and advice

I ching hexagram 31 Influence (Xian) means now is not the time for leadership, give it to others and listen to what is being said in your environment. Try to unite with people close to you, accept their advice and recommendations. Only in this situation can you count on a favorable… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 31 : career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 32 Permanence (Hуung) means you are standing at a crossroads, not knowing where to go. Do not rush changes, there is a time for everything, only your patience can bring your plan to fruition and bring success. Keep calm, this will help the fulfillment of your desires. In the… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 32- love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 30 Radiance (li) means take advantage of the help of your environment, friends and relatives are ready to support you not only in words, but also in deeds. With their assistance, your desires will begin to come true, but this will not happen immediately, but in five… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 30 – love, career, health and advice

The hexagram 63 After Completion (ji ji) means with the most cherished desires, you have to wait, the time has not yet come for them, but you can fully count on the fulfillment of small ones in the near future. Try to be honest in money and then luck will surely… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 63 : Love, career, health and advice

The hexagram 60 Limitation (jie) means give up long-distance trips for now, the time has not yet come for them. A favorable period has come for you, do not waste precious time, take on new things, just do not rush very much, move towards success in small steps. Think carefully… Continue Reading I ching hexagram 60 : career, love, advice and health

hexagram 62 Re-development of the small (xiao guo) means you have troubles ahead, unfortunately, it is not in your power to prevent them, so humble yourself and wait out the unfavorable period, it will not last long. Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps someone close to you is harming… Continue Reading I ching hexagram 62 : love, career, health, advice

I ching hexagram 7 The Army (shī) means  starting each new business, show firmness of character, be tough, courageous, self-confident. Caution is a must, consider every step. Discord with loved ones cannot be avoided, but you will have new associates and friends who will support you. A short pause in… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 7 : love, career, health and advice