hexagram 64 It’s Not Over Yet (wei ji) means very soon, your unspent energy will be needed in order to achieve excellent results in business, so be decisive, success is now guaranteed to you in everything. Very soon you will have a favorable period in life. Just do not try to… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 64: career, love, health and advice

Hexagram 64 from the I Ching is the last of the Hexagrams; yet, it does not mark the end. Depending on circumstances, the Hexagrams round-robin and help make optimal decisions according to what is going on in one’s life.  Nearing completion doesn’t always signify an end. Sometimes, it’s just the… Continue Reading What Is 64 I Ching For Love?Hexagram 64 Message For Love & Relationships

Hexagram 64 :Above Li the Clinging, Flame   Below K’an the abysmal, Water This hexagram indicates a time when the transition from disorder to order is not yet completed. The change is indeed prepared for, since all the lines in the upper trigram are in relation to those in the… Continue Reading IChing hexagram 64 divination: Before Completion explained