You are viewing the transition from hexagram 3 to hexagram 32. The hexagram 3 also called “Difficulty at the Beginning” and hexagram 32 called “Duration ” , the hexagram 3 changing to 32 with line . . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 3 to 32 ?What is… Continue Reading I Ching hexagram 3 to 32 meaning and explained

You are viewing the transition from hexagram 3 to hexagram 14. The hexagram 3 also called “Difficulty at the Beginning” and hexagram 14 called “Great Being ” , the hexagram 3 changing to 14 with line . . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 3 to 14 ?What… Continue Reading I Ching hexagram 3 to 14 meaning and explained

The Meaning of Hexagram 2 The Receptive, in the I Ching, represents the passive power of the Yin principle. It symbolizes nurturing, material essence, and femininity, emphasizing reception and care. This hexagram encourages humility, patience, and adaptability, highlighting the importance of support and acceptance without seeking recognition. It guides in… Continue Reading Hexagram 2:The Receptive