You are viewing the transition from hexagram 3 to hexagram 52. The hexagram 3 also called “Difficulty at the Beginning” and hexagram 52 called “Keeping Still ” , the hexagram 3 changing to 52 with line . . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 3 to 52 ?What… Continue Reading I Ching hexagram 3 to 52 meaning and explained

You are viewing the transition from hexagram 3 to hexagram 64. The hexagram 3 also called “Difficulty at the Beginning” and hexagram 64 called “Before Completion ” , the hexagram 3 changing to 64 with line . . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 3 to 64 ?What… Continue Reading I Ching hexagram 3 to 64 meaning and explained

The Meaning of Hexagram 3 Difficulty at the Beginning , represented by Kan (rain) and Chên (thunder) in the I Ching, signifies the challenges of new ventures. It highlights perseverance against early obstacles as key to success. This hexagram advises caution over haste, encouraging guidance seeking, patience, and obstacle awareness.… Continue Reading Hexagram 3:Difficulty at the Beginning