I ching hexagram 20 – Contemplation (guan) means all changes in life deserve the most serious attitude, carefully analyze the events, in the future the knowledge gained can be very useful. Fate will present you with an unpleasant surprise, be prepared for this. Try to make sense of your life, carefully… Continue Reading i ching 20 – Contemplation : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 38 – Discord (kui) means in the coming period, try not to start big things, for this you now do not have enough strength and will not have enough time, take care of small household chores for now, this is where success will await you. Hexagram Kui… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 38 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 39 – Obstacle (jian):  means dedicate yourself to everyday problems and family, work on mistakes, analyze the past period of your life. Try to use your money resources more economically, difficult times are ahead and you will definitely need them.  In the coming period, you can count… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 39: love, health, career and advice

I ching hexagram 37 – Family (jia-ren) means by devoting your time to financial and domestic affairs, after a while you will find that your home flourishes and is filled with harmony. Listen to the dictates of your heart, this will lead you to well-being. When fulfilling your desires, count on… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 37 : career, love, health and advice

i ching hexagram 35 Progress (jin) means you have small financial losses ahead of you, however, do not worry, all these are trifles against the backdrop of large acquisitions that fate promises you. With the fulfillment of desires, you also have to wait a bit. Finally, you are the minion of… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 35 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 34 Great Power (da zhuang) means try to be tolerant of your surroundings, too active actions contrary to their point of view can offend people, be tactful and not intrusive. Postpone leadership for later, now you don’t need it, give it to other people. Your willingness to move… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 34 : meaning, love, career and health

I ching hexagram 33 Retreat (Dun) means in the coming period of life, think about rest, it will be quite useful. Go on a trip, have fun and develop yourself. Leave your affairs for a while, because after resting and gaining strength, you can take on them with a double… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 33 : health, love, career and advice

I ching hexagram 31 Influence (Xian) means now is not the time for leadership, give it to others and listen to what is being said in your environment. Try to unite with people close to you, accept their advice and recommendations. Only in this situation can you count on a favorable… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 31 : career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 32 Permanence (Hуung) means you are standing at a crossroads, not knowing where to go. Do not rush changes, there is a time for everything, only your patience can bring your plan to fruition and bring success. Keep calm, this will help the fulfillment of your desires. In the… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 32- love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 30 Radiance (li) means take advantage of the help of your environment, friends and relatives are ready to support you not only in words, but also in deeds. With their assistance, your desires will begin to come true, but this will not happen immediately, but in five… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 30 – love, career, health and advice