I ching hexagram 19 – Approach (lin) means your financial situation will improve significantly, there will be more money. However, do not be arrogant, exclude arrogance in dealing with others, otherwise it will negatively affect your relationship and the pleasure of success will not be complete. Each of your undertakings is… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 19 – Approach: meaning, love, career and advice

I ching hexagram 49 – Change (ge) means now is a very favorable time for completely new projects, start something from scratch and this will surely lead to success. Do not sit still, try to be in time everywhere as possible, because life changes at an incredible speed, and then… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 49 : career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 51 – Excitement (zhen) means The Zhen hexagram is the most dynamic of all. Just do not panic, the most active actions are required from you, this will open up new opportunities for you. Success is closer than ever, but someone has stood in your way. Do not despair,… Continue Reading i ching 51 – Excitement : meaning, love, career and advice

hexagram 50 Cauldron (din) means now you are a recognized leader, your rivals look at you with envy, they are behind you in this race. But to achieve even greater heights, use the help of other people. Be prepared to fulfill your desires, but this may not happen at all… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 50 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 52 – Keeping Still (gen) means in the period of lack of activity in your life, you still should not relax, get together, this will help you move towards your intended goal. Indeed, in order to achieve it, you will have to spend a lot of effort,… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 52 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 53 – Steady Pace (jian) means any activity is contraindicated for you, try to be restrained in business and luck will not leave you, desires will begin to be fulfilled, financial well-being will go uphill, you just need to wait a bit. On the road to success,… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 53 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 54 – Bride (gui-mei) means when communicating with people, avoid verbosity, do not talk too much, ill-wishers will not fail to take advantage of this, which will lead to gossip and intrigue. Be vigilant in love affairs, otherwise they can lead you to trouble. The described period is… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 54 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 55 – Abundance (feng) means despite the fact that, in principle, a favorable period has come in your life, your desires have not yet been fulfilled. Hexagram Fyn means harvesting a bountiful harvest, which indicates your ability to bring any business to success. There are no ups and… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 55 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 58 – Joy (dui) means in the coming period, you have a great mood, high efficiency, friends are happy to communicate with you. With money, everything is also very good, savings are growing rapidly. But do not fall into euphoria, stay realistic, be vigilant, otherwise you can get… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 58 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 56 – Wanderer (lü) means set yourself only real tasks and then everything will work out for you, desires will come true. In the field of finance, stability should not be expected yet, although there will be enough money for a normal life. You are on the… Continue Reading i ching 56 : love, career, health and advice