I ching hexagram 36  Darkening of the Light (ming yi) means the upcoming six months will not bring you good luck, it will be hard, but do not be upset, life will gradually get better, only for this you will have to show patience and endurance and then all problems… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 36 – love, career, health and advice

Hexagram 59 Dispersion (huan) means leave all your worries and worries, show diligence and you will succeed. Some of your desires have already been fulfilled, but for their full implementation, you still have to work hard. The unsuccessful period in your life is over, there is a white streak ahead… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 59 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 61 Inner Truth (zhong fu) means you have many trials ahead of you, both at work and on the love front, get ready for such a development of events. Career growth is ahead of you, but stay open to people, avoid intrigues and then you will definitely… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 61 : career, love, health and advice

The hexagram 63 After Completion (ji ji) means with the most cherished desires, you have to wait, the time has not yet come for them, but you can fully count on the fulfillment of small ones in the near future. Try to be honest in money and then luck will surely… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 63 : Love, career, health and advice

The hexagram 60 Limitation (jie) means give up long-distance trips for now, the time has not yet come for them. A favorable period has come for you, do not waste precious time, take on new things, just do not rush very much, move towards success in small steps. Think carefully… Continue Reading I ching hexagram 60 : career, love, advice and health

hexagram 62 Re-development of the small (xiao guo) means you have troubles ahead, unfortunately, it is not in your power to prevent them, so humble yourself and wait out the unfavorable period, it will not last long. Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps someone close to you is harming… Continue Reading I ching hexagram 62 : love, career, health, advice

hexagram 64 It’s Not Over Yet (wei ji) means very soon, your unspent energy will be needed in order to achieve excellent results in business, so be decisive, success is now guaranteed to you in everything. Very soon you will have a favorable period in life. Just do not try to… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 64: career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 8 Holding Together (bi)  means think about like-minded people, luck does not favor loners, look around, for sure you will find among them like-minded people. Do not be afraid to share the victory with others, even if it costs you leadership, because it is better to be… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 8 : career, love, health and advice

I ching hexagram 7 The Army (shī) means  starting each new business, show firmness of character, be tough, courageous, self-confident. Caution is a must, consider every step. Discord with loved ones cannot be avoided, but you will have new associates and friends who will support you. A short pause in… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 7 : love, career, health and advice

I ching hexagram 6 Conflict (sung) means  you obviously lack peace of mind, the world around you has lost harmony for you, an internal conflict may appear inside. Be careful, avoid ambiguous situations, suspicious people and unnecessary changes. Patience, endurance and prudence, this is what is needed now. Be less ambitious for… Continue Reading i ching hexagram 6: love, career, health and advice