The Meaning of Hexagram 24

Return in the I Ching symbolises embracing change and returning to the roots of someone. It advocates letting go of hindrances and staying true to values. The hexagram represents finding stability in familiarities, encouraging acceptance, humility, and discipline. It is a time for self-reflection, rediscovery, and reconnection, highlighting cautious transformation and the importance of returning to the true of someone self.Hexagram 24:Returning

Changing Lines in Hexagram 24

Changes in Line 1

Blind obstinacy brings misfortune, because opportunities available to the open-minded are lost when rigid pride prevails. Once a golden opportunity has been missed, trying to re-create it will not work. The best course of action in such a situation is to be humble, let go, and learn from your mistakes.

Changes in Line 2

When the turning point arrives, the noble search their heart and, in so doing, discover their proper course. Those who are honest with themselves rise to the occasion in moments of great importance.

Changes in Line 3

Those who have been under the influence of self-serving people can turn themselves around through the positive support of one true friend. A willingness to abandon herd instincts may lead to some lonely moments, but with the help of a like-minded person, it can lead to much success.

Changes in Line 4

Those who continually reverse their direction through a lack of self-control run great risks and are sometimes thought to be brilliant, but more often, they are foolish and unstable. Be sure to chart a steady course and move steadily toward your goal.

Changes in Line 5

Spectacular comebacks in any field are a sign of self-mastery. Achieving success the first time, on the strength of one’s natural abilities, is good luck; coming back after failure or disappointment indicates true strength of character. Follow the example of such people; they have much to teach you about discarding egocentric concerns and embracing the good. Such self-control brings great fortune.

Changes in Line 6

Everyone suffers setbacks from time to time. Some lucky people suffer small ones early in life and learn that they can survive a period of collapse. In this case, a minor setback is little more than an inconvenience but serves to build character, as long as proper action is taken before things decline too far. Persevere, always returning to the main road, as good fortune lies ahead.