You are viewing the transition from hexagram 14 to hexagram 35. The hexagram 14 also called “Great Being” and hexagram 35 called “Progress ” , the hexagram 14 changing to 35 with line .1.2.3 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 14 to 35 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram to 35 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 14:”Great Being”

The starting hexagram Possession in Great Measure (Affluence) in the I Ching shows how balance, humility, and wisdom lead to abundance. It symbolises tranquility and wise management of abundance. The hexagram provides insights on achieving peace and prosperity through balance and generosity. It underscores maintaining inner harmony, embracing joy, and the idea that true success is defined by positive impact and selflessness.

I Ching hexagram 14 to 35 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 14 to 35

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram to 35 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 14 line 1

In its first stage, success is innocent and blameless. It has not yet faced the challenges that accomplishment brings. Avoid creating future harm by guarding against self-indulgence; show consideration by exercising skillful restraint. Speak of personal or business matters only with trusted advisors; to all others, stay relaxed and detached. Leave your ego at the door—there is no space for arrogance. Acting thus will strengthen others’ perception of you as a person endowed with confidence as well as wealth.

Hexagram 14 line 2

The first lesson after an achievement of success is to stay fluid and mobile. The amount of wealth doesn’t matter as much as its usefulness going forward. Wealth of any kind has the most value when used to launch new undertakings for the good of all rather than to strengthen the elite status of a few, or just yourself. One way to spread wealth is to be generous, especially with those who have helped you. The reliable support of trustworthy people is the greatest asset of all.

Hexagram 14 line 3

Philanthropy is an obligation of those in possession of mature wealth. By donating a portion of wealth to support the greater good, wealthy people can avoid becoming possessed by their possessions. On the other side, those who lack resources need not feel shame in asking for or receiving assistance. All wealth is a passing trust, to be administered by people for a short time. A small-minded individual who is ignorant of and lacking this attitude will be controlled by what they own and the desire to accumulate more and more. Even though they have the potential power of abundance, they squander it or hoard it and, therefore, can never be joyful and free.

The meaning of hexagram 35:”Progress”

The future hexagram Progress in the I Ching signifies the path of advancement, akin to the ascent of sun . It emphasises inner goodness and moral excellence as the foundation for growth. This hexagram guides towards balanced progress, harmonising Heaven and Earth. It encourages flexibility, adaptation, and humility while warning against ego indulgence during success. The key lies in enhancing personal virtue and pursuing higher good.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 14

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 14 “Great Being” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 1 to 1Hexagram 1 to 2
Hexagram 1 to 3 Hexagram 1 to 4
Hexagram 1 to 5 Hexagram 1 to 6
Hexagram 1 to 7 Hexagram 1 to 8
Hexagram 1 to 9Hexagram 1 to 10
Hexagram 1 to 11Hexagram 1 to 12
Hexagram 1 to 13Hexagram 1 to 14
Hexagram 1 to 15Hexagram 1 to 16
Hexagram 1 to 17Hexagram 1 to 18
Hexagram 1 to 19Hexagram 1 to 20
Hexagram 1 to 21Hexagram 1 to 22
Hexagram 1 to 23Hexagram 1 to 24
Hexagram 1 to 25Hexagram 1 to 26
Hexagram 1 to 27Hexagram 1 to 28
Hexagram 1 to 29Hexagram 1 to 30
Hexagram 1 to 31Hexagram 1 to 32
Hexagram 1 to 33Hexagram 1 to 34
Hexagram 1 to 35Hexagram 1 to 36
Hexagram 1 to 37Hexagram 1 to 38
Hexagram 1 to 39Hexagram 1 to 40
Hexagram 1 to 41Hexagram 1 to 42
Hexagram 1 to 43Hexagram 1 to 44
Hexagram 1 to 45Hexagram 1 to 46
Hexagram 1 to 47Hexagram 1 to 48
Hexagram 1 to 49Hexagram 1 to 50
Hexagram 1 to 51Hexagram 1 to 52
Hexagram 1 to 53Hexagram 1 to 54
Hexagram 1 to 55Hexagram 1 to 56
Hexagram 1 to 57Hexagram 1 to 58
Hexagram 1 to 59Hexagram 1 to 60
Hexagram 1 to 61Hexagram 1 to 62
Hexagram 1 to 63Hexagram 1 to 64