You are viewing the transition from hexagram 8 to hexagram 23. The hexagram 8 also called “Holding Together” and hexagram 23 called “Splitting Apart ” , the hexagram 8 changing to 23 with line .5.6 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 8 to 23 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram 8.5.6 to 23 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 8:”Holding Together”

The starting hexagram Holding Together, as presented in the I Ching, emphasizes the power of unity and alignment with inner principles for harmonious relationships. It underscores the importance of cooperation and a solid foundation for joint goals. This hexagram highlights inner independence and moral integrity as key to unity, advocating for perseverance, consistency, and supportive partnerships.

I Ching hexagram 8 to 23 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 8 to 23

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram 8.5.6 to 23 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 8 line 5

A beneficial union is in the offing. There will be good fortune if you are careful not to force things. Let people come and go, and when the right one arrives, you will know. It may be time to align yourself with someone near the center of things.

Hexagram 8 line 6

Difficulties arise when matters are not begun properly. Even with a good beginning, problems are inevitable; without a sound beginning, however, the problems that arise may become insurmountable fairly quickly. Being careful from the beginning to establish a good foundation is to avoid wasting time and energy on correction later on.

The meaning of hexagram 23:”Splitting Apart”

The future hexagram Splitting Apart in the I Ching advises trusting in non-action and observing courageously. It symbolizes separation and loss, urging the use of this time for self-strengthening and relationship building. This phase, like a challenging mountain, is not insurmountable. The hexagram encourages releasing attachments and remaining steadfast during change, recognizing that separation is part of growth, allowing new possibilities and resilience.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 8

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 8 “Holding Together” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 8 to 1Hexagram 8 to 2
Hexagram 8 to 3Hexagram 8 to 4
Hexagram 8 to 5Hexagram 8 to 6
Hexagram 8 to 7Hexagram 8 to 8
Hexagram 8 to 9Hexagram 8 to 10
Hexagram 8 to 11Hexagram 8 to 12
Hexagram 8 to 13Hexagram 8 to 14
Hexagram 8 to 15Hexagram 8 to 16
Hexagram 8 to 17Hexagram 8 to 18
Hexagram 8 to 19Hexagram 8 to 20
Hexagram 8 to 21Hexagram 8 to 22
Hexagram 8 to 23Hexagram 8 to 24
Hexagram 8 to 25Hexagram 8 to 26
Hexagram 8 to 27Hexagram 8 to 28
Hexagram 8 to 29Hexagram 8 to 30
Hexagram 8 to 31Hexagram 8 to 32
Hexagram 8 to 33Hexagram 8 to 34
Hexagram 8 to 35Hexagram 8 to 36
Hexagram 8 to 37Hexagram 8 to 38
Hexagram 8 to 39Hexagram 8 to 40
Hexagram 8 to 41Hexagram 8 to 42
Hexagram 8 to 43Hexagram 8 to 44
Hexagram 8 to 45Hexagram 8 to 46
Hexagram 8 to 47Hexagram 8 to 48
Hexagram 8 to 49Hexagram 8 to 50
Hexagram 8 to 51Hexagram 8 to 52
Hexagram 8 to 53Hexagram 8 to 54
Hexagram 8 to 55Hexagram 8 to 56
Hexagram 8 to 57Hexagram 8 to 58
Hexagram 8 to 59Hexagram 8 to 60
Hexagram 8 to 61Hexagram 8 to 62
Hexagram 8 to 63Hexagram 8 to 64