You are viewing the transition from hexagram 2 to hexagram 35. The hexagram 2 also called “The Receptive” and hexagram 35 called “Progress ” , the hexagram 2 changing to 35 with line .4.6 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 2 to 35 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram 2.4.6 to 35 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 2:”The Receptive”

The starting hexagram The Receptive, in the I Ching, represents the passive power of the Yin principle. It symbolizes nurturing, material essence, and femininity, emphasizing reception and care. This hexagram encourages humility, patience, and adaptability, highlighting the importance of support and acceptance without seeking recognition. It guides in gracefully embracing the challenges and maintaining natural harmony of life .

I Ching hexagram 2 to 35 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 2 to 35

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram 2.4.6 to 35 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 2 line 4

If things are not going well, be reserved and act with caution. It’s possible that an antagonistic force has been aroused against you, causing whatever you do to be misunderstood. Avoid challenging this force right now; that would only bring about hateful retaliation. On the other hand, you should also avoid the appearance of capitulation, which could allow the force to gather strength against you. Maintain your reserve and caution, and lose yourself in solitude or in the tumult of the crowd. Don’t let yourself be a target.

Hexagram 2 line 6

Beware of troublesome relationships or confusion over personal boundaries. Do not try to gain a position to which you are not truly entitled. When boundaries are not clearly defined, both dogs and nations quarrel. If you attempt to change your role now, a bloody battle may ensue. Slow down. Do not act until roles and responsibilities have been made clear.

The meaning of hexagram 35:”Progress”

The future hexagram Progress in the I Ching signifies the path of advancement, akin to the ascent of sun . It emphasises inner goodness and moral excellence as the foundation for growth. This hexagram guides towards balanced progress, harmonising Heaven and Earth. It encourages flexibility, adaptation, and humility while warning against ego indulgence during success. The key lies in enhancing personal virtue and pursuing higher good.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 2

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 2 “The Receptive” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 2 to 1Hexagram 2 to 2
Hexagram 2 to 3Hexagram 2 to 4
Hexagram 2 to 5Hexagram 2 to 6
Hexagram 2 to 7Hexagram 2 to 8
Hexagram 2 to 9Hexagram 2 to 10
Hexagram 2 to 11Hexagram 2 to 12
Hexagram 2 to 13Hexagram 2 to 14
Hexagram 2 to 15Hexagram 2 to 16
Hexagram 2 to 17Hexagram 2 to 18
Hexagram 2 to 19Hexagram 2 to 20
Hexagram 2 to 21Hexagram 2 to 22
Hexagram 2 to 23Hexagram 2 to 24
Hexagram 2 to 25Hexagram 2 to 26
Hexagram 2 to 27Hexagram 2 to 28
Hexagram 2 to 29Hexagram 2 to 30
Hexagram 2 to 31Hexagram 2 to 32
Hexagram 2 to 33Hexagram 2 to 34
Hexagram 2 to 35Hexagram 2 to 36
Hexagram 2 to 37Hexagram 2 to 38
Hexagram 2 to 39Hexagram 2 to 40
Hexagram 2 to 41Hexagram 2 to 42
Hexagram 2 to 43Hexagram 2 to 44
Hexagram 2 to 45Hexagram 2 to 46
Hexagram 2 to 47Hexagram 2 to 48
Hexagram 2 to 49Hexagram 2 to 50
Hexagram 2 to 51Hexagram 2 to 52
Hexagram 2 to 53Hexagram 2 to 54
Hexagram 2 to 55Hexagram 2 to 56
Hexagram 2 to 57Hexagram 2 to 58
Hexagram 2 to 59Hexagram 2 to 60
Hexagram 2 to 61Hexagram 2 to 62
Hexagram 2 to 63Hexagram 2 to 64