You can certainly ask the I Ching the same question twice, but it’s important to consider the context and the timing of the repeated inquiry. Here are some considerations:


Immediate Repeats: Asking the same question immediately after receiving an answer is generally discouraged. It’s seen as not giving enough time for the initial response to unfold or for the situation to evolve.

Changes in Circumstances: If significant changes have occurred since the last consultation, it can be appropriate to revisit the question. For example, if a week or more has passed and new information or developments have arisen, you can ask the question again.


Reflect on the First Answer: Before asking the same question again, take time to reflect on the initial answer and consider how it applies to your situation.
New Insights: Sometimes revisiting a question can reveal new insights or a deeper understanding of the situation.Can I ask the I Ching the same question twice?


Evolution of Situation: If the situation has evolved significantly, it can be relevant to ask the question again. The I Ching can provide updated guidance based on the new circumstances.

Different Aspect: Even if you’re asking about the same topic, you can frame the question differently to explore a different aspect of the situation.

Example Scenario:

Let’s say you asked the I Ching about a job opportunity and received a response suggesting that you should proceed with caution. After a few weeks, new information comes to light about the company, and you feel uncertain again. In this case, it would be appropriate to consult the I Ching again, perhaps framing the question slightly differently to reflect the new information.

Final Thoughts:

Patience: Sometimes patience is needed, especially if the initial answer provided guidance that requires time to manifest.
Reflection: Use the time between consultations to reflect on the guidance received and how it applies to your situation.

In summary, while you can ask the I Ching the same question twice, it’s beneficial to wait for a meaningful change in circumstances or to gain new insights through reflection.