Hexagram 40 – Deliverance:Above Chen the Arousing, Thunder. Below K’an the abysmal, Water Here the movement goes out of the sphere of danger. The obstacle has been removed, the difficulties are being resolved. Deliverance is not yet achieved; it is just in its beginning, and the hexagram represents its various stages.IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained


Deliverance. The southwest furthers. If there is no longer anything where one has to go, Return brings good fortune. If there is still something where one has to go, Hastening brings good fortune.

Judgement Commentary

This refers to a time in which tensions and complications begin to be eased. At such times we ought to make our way back to ordinary conditions as soon as possible; this is the meaning of the southwest. These periods of sudden change have great importance. Just as rain relieves atmospheric tension, making all the buds burst open, so a time of deliverance from burdensome pressure has a liberating and stimulating effect on life. One thing is important, however: in such times we must not overdo our triumph. The point is not to push on farther than is necessary. Returning to the regular order of life as soon as deliverance is achieved brings good fortune. If there are any residual matters that ought to be attended to, it should be done as quickly as possible, so that a clean sweep is made and no retardations occur.

The Image

Thunder and rain set in: The image of Deliverance. Thus the superior man pardons mistakes and forgives misdeeds.

Image Commentary

A thunderstorm has the effect of clearing the air; the superior man produces a similar effect when dealing with mistakes and sins of men that induce a condition of tension. Through clarity he brings deliverance. However, when failings come to light, he does not dwell on them; he simply passes over mistakes, the unintentional transgressions, just as thunder dies away. He forgives misdeeds, the intentional transgressions, just as water washes everything clean.

The Lines

Six at the beginning means:

Without blame.

IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained1Changing only this line creates Hexagram 54 – Kuei Mei / The Marrying Maiden. Recovering from bad times we should just relax and enjoy the good times. Legge is just as brief “…its subject will commit no error.” The resultant hexagram 54, The Marrying Maiden, advises that we not get involved in any adventures “Undertakings bring misfortune. Nothing that would further.”

Nine in the second place means:

One kills three foxes in the field and receives a yellow arrow. Perseverance brings good fortune.

IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained2Changing only this line creates Hexagram 16 – Yu / Enthusiasm. Good fortune comes from being able to achieve great works without attracting or being manipulated by useless hangers on who seek to use you for their purposes. Hence the need for perseverance. Legge is very similar here, this line “…disposes of unworthy men, represented by the three foxes. He also gets the yellow arrows, the instruments used in war or in hunting, whose colour is correct.” The resultant hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, is very relevant here as it states “It furthers one to install helpers and to set armies marching.”

Six in the third place means:

If a man carries a burden on his back and nonetheless rides in a carriage, he thereby encourages robbers to draw near. Perseverance leads to humiliation.

IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained3Changing only this line creates Hexagram 32 – Heng / Duration. This line is acting in an manner inappropriate for its position. Do not put on airs or seek to act in a snobbish way or else! Legge uses similarly colorful language to Wilhelm “…when a common man uses the appurtenance of man of rank, robbers plot to take it away from him.” The outcome is hexagram 32, Duration, an invitation to develop in oneself those attributes neccessary for long term success. Arrogant snobbery is not one of those attributes.

Nine in the fourth place means:

Deliver yourself from your great toe. Then the companion comes, And him you can trust.

IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained4Changing only this line creates Hexagram 7 – Shih / The Army. In the long run it is better to surround yourself with people of merit and value than to allow inferior people to exercise too great an influence over you. When you get rid of the bad, the good arrive. Legge says “Remove your toes. Friends will then come, between you and whom there will be mutual confidence.” The resultant hexagram 7, Army, predicts that one will need to be as careful as a general running an army if you wish to be successful fulfilling this lines meaning.

Six in the fifth place means:

If only the superior man can deliver himself, It brings good fortune. Thus he proves to inferior men that he is in earnest.

IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained5Changing only this line creates Hexagram 47 – K’un / Oppression (Exhaustion). This is a development of the previous line in that here we have a leader/ruler removing all of the negative influences he can. He must prove to these negative influences, just how serious he is if he is to be successful. Legge’s interpretation is “the superior man or the ruler, executing his function of removing whatever is injurious… It will be his duty to remove especially all the small men.” The fact that the resultant hexagram is 47, Oppression (Exhaustion) indicates just how dangerous and difficult such actions will be. The outcome, though difficult, is “The great man brings about good fortune, no blame.”

Six at the top means:

The prince shoots at a hawk on a high wall. He kills it. Everything serves to further.

IChing hexagram 40 divination: Deliverance explained6Changing only this line creates Hexagram 64 – Wei Chi / Before Completion. Forceable removal of those high ranking but negative influences who will not voluntarily leave requires careful thorough, preparation and execution. Legge wants us to remove the “small men” who are hindering the deliverance we are trying to achieve. The resultant hexagram 64, Before Completion, predicts success that may fail at the last moment so be very careful to proceed to the end and not let off the pressure half way. If one does slacken ones efforts one will definitely fail.

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