You are viewing the transition from hexagram 9 to hexagram 56. The hexagram 9 also called “Small Influences” and hexagram 56 called “The Wanderer ” , the hexagram 9 changing to 56 with line . . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 9 to 56 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram to 56 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 9:”Small Influences”

The starting hexagram The Taming Power of the Small, in the I Ching, symbolises a phase of restraint, advocating patience and step-by-step progress. It celebrates small, consistent actions for overcoming challenges and attaining success. The hexagram encourages personal growth and humility, advising a focus on inner development and peace, while discouraging attempts to control external events.

I Ching hexagram 9 to 56 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 9 to 56

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram to 56 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 9 line 1

When a strong person encounters an obstacle in his or her path, the first inclination is to press forward, to remove it, or to overcome it by force. In the present circumstances, however, do not let yourself be drawn into direct action or conflict. Instead, stand back and take some time to assess the situation; consider all your options. Give yourself the space to advance or retreat—or to do nothing at all—for the time being.

Hexagram 9 line 2

When you are skating on thin ice, it behooves you to allow others to take the lead. There is no disgrace in learning from others, particularly when doing so avoids putting you in harm’s way. Fortune awaits those who remain determined—and patient.

Hexagram 9 line 4

In a world of constant change, personal sincerity creates an inner core of consistency. By seeking truth from real evidence rather than self-interest, one becomes a valued advisor to others. Sticking to the facts is like adding weight to the scales a spoonful at a time; eventually, significant weight comes to bear. In times of conflict, clear and objective insights count heavily, helping to avert violence and dispel fear.

Hexagram 9 line 5

In the best partnerships, each partner complements the other. Loyalty and trust are the fuel that allows a cooperative relationship to shine. For the weaker partner, loyalty means devotion and service; for the stronger, trustworthiness is the key. A balanced partnership leads to great prosperity; and abundance achieved through partnership is appreciated and admired all the more because it is shared.

The meaning of hexagram 56:”The Wanderer”

The future hexagram The Wanderer explores under the guidance of the Sage, delves into the mysteries of life, maintaining a balance between self-sufficiency and humility. It delves into physical and mental wandering during transitions, emphasising inner strength and authenticity. The hexagram advises staying connected to higher powers and universal justice. Key insights involve mindful time use, modesty, generosity, ego transcendence, aligned desires, detachment, and vigilance on the transformative journey.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 9

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 9 “Small Influences” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 9 to 1Hexagram 9 to 2
Hexagram 9 to 3Hexagram 9 to 4
Hexagram 9 to 5Hexagram 9 to 6
Hexagram 9 to 7Hexagram 9 to 8
Hexagram 9 to 9Hexagram 9 to 10
Hexagram 9 to 11Hexagram 9 to 12
Hexagram 9 to 13Hexagram 9 to 14
Hexagram 9 to 15Hexagram 9 to 16
Hexagram 9 to 17Hexagram 9 to 18
Hexagram 9 to 19Hexagram 9 to 20
Hexagram 9 to 21Hexagram 9 to 22
Hexagram 9 to 23Hexagram 9 to 24
Hexagram 9 to 25Hexagram 9 to 26
Hexagram 9 to 27Hexagram 9 to 28
Hexagram 9 to 29Hexagram 9 to 30
Hexagram 9 to 31Hexagram 9 to 32
Hexagram 9 to 33Hexagram 9 to 34
Hexagram 9 to 35Hexagram 9 to 36
Hexagram 9 to 37Hexagram 9 to 38
Hexagram 9 to 39Hexagram 9 to 40
Hexagram 9 to 41Hexagram 9 to 42
Hexagram 9 to 43Hexagram 9 to 44
Hexagram 9 to 45Hexagram 9 to 46
Hexagram 9 to 47Hexagram 9 to 48
Hexagram 9 to 49Hexagram 9 to 50
Hexagram 9 to 51Hexagram 9 to 52
Hexagram 9 to 53Hexagram 9 to 54
Hexagram 9 to 55Hexagram 9 to 56
Hexagram 9 to 57Hexagram 9 to 58
Hexagram 9 to 59Hexagram 9 to 60
Hexagram 9 to 61Hexagram 9 to 62
Hexagram 9 to 63Hexagram 9 to 64