You are viewing the transition from hexagram 9 to hexagram 26. The hexagram 9 also called “Small Influences” and hexagram 26 called “Great Accumulating ” , the hexagram 9 changing to 26 with line .5 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 9 to 26 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram 9.5 to 26 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 9:”Small Influences”

The starting hexagram The Taming Power of the Small, in the I Ching, symbolises a phase of restraint, advocating patience and step-by-step progress. It celebrates small, consistent actions for overcoming challenges and attaining success. The hexagram encourages personal growth and humility, advising a focus on inner development and peace, while discouraging attempts to control external events.

I Ching hexagram 9 to 26 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 9 to 26

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram 9.5 to 26 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 9 line 5

In the best partnerships, each partner complements the other. Loyalty and trust are the fuel that allows a cooperative relationship to shine. For the weaker partner, loyalty means devotion and service; for the stronger, trustworthiness is the key. A balanced partnership leads to great prosperity; and abundance achieved through partnership is appreciated and admired all the more because it is shared.

The meaning of hexagram 26:”Great Accumulating”

The future hexagram The Taming Power of the Great in the I Ching advises resilience and centeredness in adversity, harnessing great power for self and the benefit of others . It signifies taming significant power, advocating for inner balance and ethical use. The hexagram calls for self-purification, firmness, and virtuous living, offering guidance on overcoming negativity and trials for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 9

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 9 “Small Influences” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 9 to 1Hexagram 9 to 2
Hexagram 9 to 3Hexagram 9 to 4
Hexagram 9 to 5Hexagram 9 to 6
Hexagram 9 to 7Hexagram 9 to 8
Hexagram 9 to 9Hexagram 9 to 10
Hexagram 9 to 11Hexagram 9 to 12
Hexagram 9 to 13Hexagram 9 to 14
Hexagram 9 to 15Hexagram 9 to 16
Hexagram 9 to 17Hexagram 9 to 18
Hexagram 9 to 19Hexagram 9 to 20
Hexagram 9 to 21Hexagram 9 to 22
Hexagram 9 to 23Hexagram 9 to 24
Hexagram 9 to 25Hexagram 9 to 26
Hexagram 9 to 27Hexagram 9 to 28
Hexagram 9 to 29Hexagram 9 to 30
Hexagram 9 to 31Hexagram 9 to 32
Hexagram 9 to 33Hexagram 9 to 34
Hexagram 9 to 35Hexagram 9 to 36
Hexagram 9 to 37Hexagram 9 to 38
Hexagram 9 to 39Hexagram 9 to 40
Hexagram 9 to 41Hexagram 9 to 42
Hexagram 9 to 43Hexagram 9 to 44
Hexagram 9 to 45Hexagram 9 to 46
Hexagram 9 to 47Hexagram 9 to 48
Hexagram 9 to 49Hexagram 9 to 50
Hexagram 9 to 51Hexagram 9 to 52
Hexagram 9 to 53Hexagram 9 to 54
Hexagram 9 to 55Hexagram 9 to 56
Hexagram 9 to 57Hexagram 9 to 58
Hexagram 9 to 59Hexagram 9 to 60
Hexagram 9 to 61Hexagram 9 to 62
Hexagram 9 to 63Hexagram 9 to 64