You are viewing the transition from hexagram 7 to hexagram 31. The hexagram 7 also called “The Army” and hexagram 31 called “Influence ” , the hexagram 7 changing to 31 with line . . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 7 to 31 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram to 31 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 7:”The Army”

The starting hexagram The Army, as expressed in the I Ching, emphasizes readiness for challenges guided by a prudent, compassionate leader. It calls for collective effort and unity towards shared goals, highlighting the need to conquer egocentric impulses and maintain inner autonomy and vigilance. This hexagram represents the mastery of the self, advocating for victory through detachment, stillness, and modest means.

I Ching hexagram 7 to 31 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 7 to 31

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram to 31 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 7 line 2

Good fortune results when a general works in the midst of his or her troops. Then, when honors are bestowed, the entire army is proud to see their leader rewarded on their behalf.

Hexagram 7 line 3

Misfortune follows if you overestimate your capabilities or underestimate your weaknesses. Be certain that you and those around you are playing the role for which each is best suited, and you will overcome challenges.

Hexagram 7 line 4

A strategic retreat is called for. This is not a final defeat but an opportunity to gain strength by removing yourself from the field of conflict. Retreat is a disciplined disengagement from all response into neutrality, accepting the situation as it is.

Hexagram 7 line 5

It is time to resist an invasive force. Strengthen your position by making sure that relationships and roles are in alignment as they should be. Do not allow your defense of the boundaries to deteriorate into a free-for-all, which would only make things worse. Wise leadership is called for now. When in combat, those who are experienced should lead; all others should just be supportive.

The meaning of hexagram 31:”Influence”

The future hexagram Influence in the I Ching highlights a life-changing shift, challenging inner strength for those steadfast in principles. It underscores earning trust through actions, not words, and the quiet power of a strong personality. This hexagram advocates an open, receptive mind amid change and teaches positivity, patience, and inner wisdom as guiding forces.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 7

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 7 “The Army” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 7 to 1Hexagram 7 to 2
Hexagram 7 to 3Hexagram 7 to 4
Hexagram 7 to 5Hexagram 7 to 6
Hexagram 7 to 7Hexagram 7 to 8
Hexagram 7 to 9Hexagram 7 to 10
Hexagram 7 to 11Hexagram 7 to 12
Hexagram 7 to 13Hexagram 7 to 14
Hexagram 7 to 15Hexagram 7 to 16
Hexagram 7 to 17Hexagram 7 to 18
Hexagram 7 to 19Hexagram 7 to 20
Hexagram 7 to 21Hexagram 7 to 22
Hexagram 7 to 23Hexagram 7 to 24
Hexagram 7 to 25Hexagram 7 to 26
Hexagram 7 to 27Hexagram 7 to 28
Hexagram 7 to 29Hexagram 7 to 30
Hexagram 7 to 31Hexagram 7 to 32
Hexagram 7 to 33Hexagram 7 to 34
Hexagram 7 to 35Hexagram 7 to 36
Hexagram 7 to 37Hexagram 7 to 38
Hexagram 7 to 39Hexagram 7 to 40
Hexagram 7 to 41Hexagram 7 to 42
Hexagram 7 to 43Hexagram 7 to 44
Hexagram 7 to 45Hexagram 7 to 46
Hexagram 7 to 47Hexagram 7 to 48
Hexagram 7 to 49Hexagram 7 to 50
Hexagram 7 to 51Hexagram 7 to 52
Hexagram 7 to 53Hexagram 7 to 54
Hexagram 7 to 55Hexagram 7 to 56
Hexagram 7 to 57Hexagram 7 to 58
Hexagram 7 to 59Hexagram 7 to 60
Hexagram 7 to 61Hexagram 7 to 62
Hexagram 7 to 63Hexagram 7 to 64