You are viewing the transition from hexagram 5 to hexagram 10. The hexagram 5 also called “Waiting” and hexagram 10 called “Treading ” , the hexagram 5 changing to 10 with line .3.4.6 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 5 to 10 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram to 10 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 5:”Waiting”

The starting hexagram Waiting (Nourishment), in the I Ching, highlights patience and perseverance for achieving success. It advocates waiting for the right time, embracing patience, sincerity, and steadfastness amidst challenges. This hexagram encourages maintaining a positive attitude, free from doubt and impatience, and emphasises gradual progress, relying on inner strength and personal beliefs.

I Ching hexagram 5 to 10 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 5 to 10

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram to 10 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 5 line 3

You feel stuck—as in mud—and your enemies may be feeling encouraged. You are in an exposed position. Be cautious and considerate in relationships, and be on guard. Be alert to shifting alliances. Such awareness can prevent harm.

Hexagram 5 line 4

You may be isolated and in a vulnerable position. Although escape is essential, the only way out is to retain your composure and patience. There is no chance of great success now; survival is the immediate concern. New opportunities will come from the sacrifices you are willing to make. If necessary, keep out of sight in order to avoid direct confrontation. Sometimes, the only honorable course is to accept one’s fate and avoid the humiliation of railing against the inevitable.

Hexagram 5 line 6

You may be falling into an abyss—this is a time of difficulty. When all your plans are overturned, it’s best to yield gracefully. Remain cautious and alert; help will be arriving from some unknown corner. Keep an open mind and you will find your way out of your current challenges. And you can learn from the lessons in this situation. If a remedy does not soon present itself, remember: every trial that you survive makes you stronger. Good fortune awaits you.

The meaning of hexagram 10:”Treading”

The future hexagram Treading (Conduct), per the I Ching, stresses the need for earnest effort and unwavering commitment to personal growth. It advocates finding balance, staying true to inner morals, and cautious action for success. The hexagram advises sincerity and simplicity in confronting fate, emphasizing inner development and humility, while cautioning against aggression and urging respect for the impact of others .

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 5

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 5 “Waiting” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 5 to 1Hexagram 5 to 2
Hexagram 5 to 3Hexagram 5 to 4
Hexagram 5 to 5Hexagram 5 to 6
Hexagram 5 to 7Hexagram 5 to 8
Hexagram 5 to 9Hexagram 5 to 10
Hexagram 5 to 11Hexagram 5 to 12
Hexagram 5 to 13Hexagram 5 to 14
Hexagram 5 to 15Hexagram 5 to 16
Hexagram 5 to 17Hexagram 5 to 18
Hexagram 5 to 19Hexagram 5 to 20
Hexagram 5 to 21Hexagram 5 to 22
Hexagram 5 to 23Hexagram 5 to 24
Hexagram 5 to 25Hexagram 5 to 26
Hexagram 5 to 27Hexagram 5 to 28
Hexagram 5 to 29Hexagram 5 to 30
Hexagram 5 to 31Hexagram 5 to 32
Hexagram 5 to 33Hexagram 5 to 34
Hexagram 5 to 35Hexagram 5 to 36
Hexagram 5 to 37Hexagram 5 to 38
Hexagram 5 to 39Hexagram 5 to 40
Hexagram 5 to 41Hexagram 5 to 42
Hexagram 5 to 43Hexagram 5 to 44
Hexagram 5 to 45Hexagram 5 to 46
Hexagram 5 to 47Hexagram 5 to 48
Hexagram 5 to 49Hexagram 5 to 50
Hexagram 5 to 51Hexagram 5 to 52
Hexagram 5 to 53Hexagram 5 to 54
Hexagram 5 to 55Hexagram 5 to 56
Hexagram 5 to 57Hexagram 5 to 58
Hexagram 5 to 59Hexagram 5 to 60
Hexagram 5 to 61Hexagram 5 to 62
Hexagram 5 to 63Hexagram 5 to 64