You are viewing the transition from hexagram 4 to hexagram 6. The hexagram 4 also called “Youthful Folly” and hexagram 6 called ” Conflict ” , the hexagram 4 changing to 6 with line .4.5 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 4 to 6 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram 4.4.5 to 6 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 4:”Youthful Folly”

The starting hexagram Youthful Folly, addresses the challenges of learning, emphasising openness and humility. It describes the relationship between the wise Sage and the learner, highlighting the need for receptiveness and an open mind for wisdom. This hexagram stresses the naturalness of mistakes in learning and the importance of a humble approach to guidance, advocating for inner reflection and a genuine, ego-free journey towards understanding.

I Ching hexagram 4 to 6 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 4 to 6

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram 4.4.5 to 6 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 4 line 4

Clinging to fantasies leads to humiliation. In a state of hopeful excitement, it is easy to entangle oneself in magical thinking and fantastic dreams. From these entanglements, there are only two ways out: awakening to reality or suffering humiliation. The choice is yours.

Hexagram 4 line 5

A fresh innocence brings good fortune. A lack of preconceptions, combined with a respect for life’s teachers, brings success to endeavors. When you maintain a childlike openness of mind, you become a magnet for fresh insights and gain unique glimpses into the nature of things.

The meaning of hexagram 6:” Conflict”

The future hexagram Conflict, in the I Ching, advises disengaging from conflicts rather than pondering their causes. It advocates resolving conflicts through open communication, compromise, and patience. This hexagram highlights avoiding dwelling on why and trusting higher guidance for resolution. It identifies internal conflict as the root of disputes, emphasising emotional detachment and faith for resolution.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 4

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 4 “Youthful Folly” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 4 to 1Hexagram 4 to 2
Hexagram 4 to 3Hexagram 4 to 4
Hexagram 4 to 5Hexagram 4 to 6
Hexagram 4 to 7Hexagram 4 to 8
Hexagram 4 to 9Hexagram 4 to 10
Hexagram 4 to 11Hexagram 4 to 12
Hexagram 4 to 13Hexagram 4 to 14
Hexagram 4 to 15Hexagram 4 to 16
Hexagram 4 to 17Hexagram 4 to 18
Hexagram 4 to 19Hexagram 4 to 20
Hexagram 4 to 21Hexagram 4 to 22
Hexagram 4 to 23Hexagram 4 to 24
Hexagram 4 to 25Hexagram 4 to 26
Hexagram 4 to 27Hexagram 4 to 28
Hexagram 4 to 29Hexagram 4 to 30
Hexagram 4 to 31Hexagram 4 to 32
Hexagram 4 to 33Hexagram 4 to 34
Hexagram 4 to 35Hexagram 4 to 36
Hexagram 4 to 37Hexagram 4 to 38
Hexagram 4 to 39Hexagram 4 to 40
Hexagram 4 to 41Hexagram 4 to 42
Hexagram 4 to 43Hexagram 4 to 44
Hexagram 4 to 45Hexagram 4 to 46
Hexagram 4 to 47Hexagram 4 to 48
Hexagram 4 to 49Hexagram 4 to 50
Hexagram 4 to 51Hexagram 4 to 52
Hexagram 4 to 53Hexagram 4 to 54
Hexagram 4 to 55Hexagram 4 to 56
Hexagram 4 to 57Hexagram 4 to 58
Hexagram 4 to 59Hexagram 4 to 60
Hexagram 4 to 61Hexagram 4 to 62
Hexagram 4 to 63Hexagram 4 to 64