You are viewing the transition from hexagram 3 to hexagram 42. The hexagram 3 also called “Difficulty at the Beginning” and hexagram 42 called “Increase ” , the hexagram 3 changing to 42 with line .6 . what is the meaning of i ching hexagram 3 to 42 ?What is the significance of the changing lines ? Let’s take a look together.

Hexagram 3.6 to 42 Interpretation

The meaning of hexagram 3:”Difficulty at the Beginning”

The starting hexagram Difficulty at the Beginning , represented by Kan (rain) and Chên (thunder) in the I Ching, signifies the challenges of new ventures. It highlights perseverance against early obstacles as key to success. This hexagram advises caution over haste, encouraging guidance seeking, patience, and obstacle awareness. Embracing these challenges as growth opportunities can yield rewarding outcomes and personal development.

I Ching hexagram 3 to 42 meaning and explained

The changing lines from hexagram 3 to 42

In the I Ching, the changing lines are counted from the bottom to the top. For example, the line at the bottom is line 1 , and from there, moving upward, they are line 2, line 3, line 4, line 5, and line 6 (the top line). The hexagram 3.6 to 42 changing lines meaning :

Hexagram 3 line 6

Some people get stuck in the difficulties that arise at the beginning of projects or relationships. They throw up their hands and become cynical about making any effort at all. This is the greatest danger of experiencing difficulty at the beginning: growing pains can be mistaken for a permanent blockage and lead to resignation. Once you give up the struggle, you are like a cart that has lost its horse.

The meaning of hexagram 42:”Increase”

The future hexagram Increase emphasises trusting the universe in the chaos of life, guiding desires towards inner peace. It symbolises a time of steady growth and development on solid foundations. This period is marked by improvement and potential, urging humility and conscientiousness. It encourages using good fortune for noble deeds, consistent perseverance, finding value in challenges, and prioritising service and self-improvement for lasting success.

Complete Listing of All changes for Hexagram 3

This indicates a listing of all of changes for Hexagram 3 “Difficulty at the Beginning” in the I Ching, including the original hexagram with no changing lines, as well as all different scenarios where one to all six lines change, It is provided for free reading.

Hexagram 3 to 1Hexagram 3 to 2
Hexagram 3 to 3Hexagram 3 to 4
Hexagram 3 to 5Hexagram 3 to 6
Hexagram 3 to 7Hexagram 3 to 8
Hexagram 3 to 9Hexagram 3 to 10
Hexagram 3 to 11Hexagram 3 to 12
Hexagram 3 to 13Hexagram 3 to 14
Hexagram 3 to 15Hexagram 3 to 16
Hexagram 3 to 17Hexagram 3 to 18
Hexagram 3 to 19Hexagram 3 to 20
Hexagram 3 to 21Hexagram 3 to 22
Hexagram 3 to 23Hexagram 3 to 24
Hexagram 3 to 25Hexagram 3 to 26
Hexagram 3 to 27Hexagram 3 to 28
Hexagram 3 to 29Hexagram 3 to 30
Hexagram 3 to 31Hexagram 3 to 32
Hexagram 3 to 33Hexagram 3 to 34
Hexagram 3 to 35Hexagram 3 to 36
Hexagram 3 to 37Hexagram 3 to 38
Hexagram 3 to 39Hexagram 3 to 40
Hexagram 3 to 41Hexagram 3 to 42
Hexagram 3 to 43Hexagram 3 to 44
Hexagram 3 to 45Hexagram 3 to 46
Hexagram 3 to 47Hexagram 3 to 48
Hexagram 3 to 49Hexagram 3 to 50
Hexagram 3 to 51Hexagram 3 to 52
Hexagram 3 to 53Hexagram 3 to 54
Hexagram 3 to 55Hexagram 3 to 56
Hexagram 3 to 57Hexagram 3 to 58
Hexagram 3 to 59Hexagram 3 to 60
Hexagram 3 to 61Hexagram 3 to 62
Hexagram 3 to 63Hexagram 3 to 64