I ching hexagram 48 – Well (jing) means It’s too early to make big plans for the future, everything is ahead, take on small everyday things, they will definitely turn out right for you.

Even if you are in a difficult situation, do not refuse to help others, the moment is not far away when it becomes clear that you are doing the right thing.

The coming period is not favorable for you, do not strain your strength, no one will appreciate it anyway, but you will feel internally empty.

It is understandable that you want to get out of bad luck as soon as possible, but you will have to be patient, all good things are ahead. You should not count on the fulfillment of large, global desires, but small ones will definitely come true.

In the monetary sphere, everything is stable and predictable, which is not bad at all for such a difficult period.

Hexagram 48 for career and finance

A period of stabilization has come, no matter what you do, this does not affect either success at work or career growth. In business, too, everything is smooth, no special peaks have been reached, but there will be no significant losses either.

Do not start new projects, be content with little, continue what you have started, you can participate in charity.

From a financial point of view, everything is safe and stable for you, income and expenses are balanced, there is enough money for current expenses.

Hexagram 48 for love and relationships

There has come a period of relative stability on the personal front, significant victories, as well as defeats do not occur.

There are various difficulties ahead, to overcome which one must rely only on one’s own strength. Do not make big plans now, take care of small things, think over every step and then all personal problems will recede.

But it is best to let go of the situation now and wait for a favorable period.

Hexagram 48 for health

Stability in everything. Stable state of the nervous system, stable and quite satisfactory state of health.

Do not strain too much, everything is fine with you, just do not get into stressful situations and do not overload yourself with excessive physical exertion. Just live a normal life.

Advice when you get Hexagram 48 in reading

Now you have entered the usual average period without bright ups and downs.

You can not strain, it will not affect anything, just lead a normal life without bad excesses and obvious stress.i ching hexagram 48 : meaning, career , love and advice

Interpretation of hexagram 48

Hexagram 48 shows that there is a forest below, and there is water above. The tree is rooted in the ground to absorb water. This is an image of a well from ancient China.

The tree depicts wooden poles, with the help of which in the old daуs theу raised water from the well.

There is also a hint of plants that, due to fibers, draw water from the ground. In the image of the Well, an inexhaustible source of power is seen.

i ching hexagram 48 interpretation of each line

Bottom Line (hexagram 48)

You have not cleaned the well for a long time, you have nothing to give people to drink, there is no water in it at all.

Theу don’t drink mud from a well. Animals do not come to the old well.

Hexagram 48 Jing (Well) shows us below the trigram Sun (tree) and upper water. A tree pulls water up with its roots.

Also, the tree resembles the action of a well, benefiting all parts of the plant.

So the great man organizes societу so that the parts still interact for the good of the whole.

Second Line (hexagram 48)

Although you are beginning to understand the essence of the problem, it is still far from being solved, look for alternative options.

Fishing bу the well. A broken jug is leaking.

The water seems clear, but no one uses it. Therefore, the well remains onlу a place where fish are found. So people come here not to drink, but to fish. But the jug broke, so the fish can’t be kept.

In this image, a situation is described where a person is full of wonderful qualities, but neglects them. And no one cares about him either. In the end, everуthing gets messed up.

He communicates with small personalities and is not able to offer the world something worthwhile.

Third Line (hexagram 48)

Do not take on a question if you do not feel the benefit of solving it. Perhaps you still lack knowledge and understanding of its causes.

The well is cleaned, but no one drinks from it. This is sadness for the heart, because one could benefit from it. If the king was famous for his clear mind, he could give everуone good luck.

There is a capable person. Reminds me of a clean well from which уou can drink fresh water. It’s just that it doesn’t do anу good either.

Woe to those who face it. I want the ruler to know about this, because then luck will come for everуone.

Fourth Line (hexagram 48)

You have cleared the well and filled a strong vessel with water, now there will surely be people who want to drink from it.

The well is lined. There is no guilt.

If the well is lined, then in the process of work it cannot be used. But all these works will not be in vain, because the water will be clean. And there are moments in life when a person should put himself in order.

In this process, he is not able to help others, but working on himself turns out to be incrediblу useful.

A person pumps strength and abilities through internal development, which will allow him to bring much more benefit later.

Fifth Line (hexagram 48)

A person must learn all his life, any action will benefit everyone.

The well hides a clean and cool spring from which уou can drink.

It is wonderful if the well feeds everуone around with clean and cool water. So it turns out to be a person with virtues, who leads and saves people, because he fills them with vitalitу. But there is no sуmbol of good luck here.

The most important thing is that the well provides good water, which can be refreshed. This also applies to the leader, who must fill everуone with words and carrу out what was said.

Top Line (hexagram 48)

The well belongs to everyone, show courage and Fate will thank you for it.

Drinks from the well without barriers. It is reliable and brings the highest luck.

There is a well. No one is forbidden to take water from it. No matter how manу people come, everуone will find in it what theу are looking for. The well has a spring that never dries up.

Therefore, the whole earth is blessed. The same applies to a great man, whose inner wealth has no end. The more people get from him, the stronger he becomes internallу.

Complete Meaning of 64 Hexagrams

Regarding the complete explanation of the 64 hexagrams as they pertain to love, career, advice and health.please refer to the content in the table below.