Hexagram 64 from the I Ching is the last of the Hexagrams; yet, it does not mark the end. Depending on circumstances, the Hexagrams round-robin and help make optimal decisions according to what is going on in one’s life. 

Nearing completion doesn’t always signify an end. Sometimes, it’s just the beginning of the same cycle all over again, or maybe even a smaller new chapter in life. In many cases, you’ll feel so emotionally connected to the current journey that it will be difficult to transition into something new. But, that’s how life is. The cycle doesn’t change. Challenges keep challenging you and you grow into a better (or worse) version of yourself with time. 

If a fisherman sets out to fish with an objective in mind (e.g. 7 fish), he goes home with the catch when the work is done. The next day, he returns to the sea yet again with a slightly different or more complex objective. A few aspects change but the cycle repeats itself no matter what. 

What Is Hexagram 64 I Ching For Love?

Love is a never-ending matter. It has no destination, purpose, or final stage. Like an ocean that flows into smaller tributaries but never ends, love must keep flowing and never come to a dead stop to ensure its survival. Breaks and temporary obstacles in a relationship are completely normal, but what isn’t normal is the flame of love being put out entirely. 

What Is 64 I Ching For Love?Hexagram 64 Message For Love & Relationships

Line 1(The Bottom Line): 

This universe has many tricks up its sleeve; what seems like the end right now may not be the end. Sometimes, you may find that the last page of the book you’re reading isn’t actually the last page and a few more pages remain. This suggests that nearing completion can sometimes be an illusion and, in reality, you may actually be far from the finish line. So, don’t go on celebrating just yet!

Line 2:

Troubles are not meant to leave you at any twist or turn. If you’re in that transitional phase from one chapter in your life to another, don’t pray for an easier, less challenging phase but rather seek the strength to battle all the troubles life could potentially throw your way. 

It isn’t possible to have a completely trouble-free life. At some point, obstacles and roadblocks will be faced. Mold yourself accordingly and embrace the novelty of new challenges rather than trying to meet a perfect life. 

Line 3:

Spare yourself the trouble of attracting bad eyes by not announcing your completion or accomplishments to the rest of the world. Not only are you putting yourself out there to be made fun of in case of last-minute failure but also provoking sore losers who may already have great hate for you in that moment. If spirits around you don’t seem encouraging enough, remain modest and take the win home silently. 

Line 4: 

It usually isn’t the best idea to make knee-jerk decisions in the final stages of a project. New creative ideas may come to mind and several ways to improve what’s already been done. However, don’t act on that urge right now as it may not yield fruitful results. Finish what you started and save all new ideas and revisions for something else entirely. 

Line 5: 

People who struggle a lot throughout a project are usually the ones most relieved near its completion. It’s not rocket science. Whoever does the most work will long for the struggle to come to an end quickly. 

It’s important to be empathetic with your team around this time because they finally have hope of catching a breather. Don’t overburden them by placing more responsibilities on their shoulders or deliberately delaying their leaves. Let them push through the final stages and, then, set them free for a while 

Line 6: 

Nearing completion can be a sentimental time for many. People who’ve been working together as associates or partners for a long time may not see each other again or work the same way. 

If you believe you have built an emotional connection with the project over time, the idea of it all ending may bring fear to your heart. But, fear not…as another challenge will likely occupy you very soon leaving you with no time to stress over the emotional turmoil. 

Love & relationships OF IChing

For more interpretations about love and relationships in the I Ching, please refer to the content in the table below.