Hexagram 7  inform you about the movement of universal forces so you can plan your next move according to what life is about to throw your way.  Hexagram 7 is all about unification and joining hands with potential allies. 

If you take a look at Hexagram 7 itself, it’s primarily made up of five broken and only one unbroken line. This denotes that all individual beings in society can form alliance under the right kind of leadership.

Meaning of I Ching Hexagram #7

A gigantic wave of hurdles and complications is coming your way! You won’t be able to deal with it on your own, so joining hands with partners and allies is a must! If they’re notified about the threat beforehand, you’ll likely be chosen to lead them away from it. 

It’s important to remain honest and morally upright in a situation like this. It’s easy to make a deal with the devil when times get dark. Seeing the forthcoming trouble as an opportunity to deceive and commit fraud is one of the worst ideas you can have right now. Stick together with those who seem to be on your side and form an alliance with only trusted individuals. 

What Is Hexagram 7 I Ching For Love?

Honest communication is crucial in a relationship. Keeping your partner in the dark about things that are going on in your life or head isn’t a good idea. It takes the genuineness out of the relationship and just creates a psychological distance that can only harm in the long run. Your partner deserves to know if something is bothering you. Relationships are meant to be a two-way exchange of everything from time and attention to even ongoing emotions!What Is 7 I Ching For Love?Hexagram 7 Message In Love

Love Interpretation From The Lines Of Hexagram 7

Line 1(The bottom Line):

Everyone has a unique set of skills and talents to offer. When given a position of authority or leadership, make sure to give subordinates the chance to put their specialties to good use. The combined discipline plus expression of individual skills is likely to yield better results and efficiency. 

In situations that are more personal, approach problems that you’re well-versed in first. The rest can be delegated to those who are more skilled in other areas. 

Line 2:

Live by humility and all will be alright. A leader must not be lustful for recognition of his/her efforts and sacrifices. Maintain your integrity and don’t let it slip. 

Focus on appreciating the efforts of those who work alongside you. Raising their morale and self-esteem is what will get you fruitful results. Giving without expecting in return should be the core foundation of your leadership code.

Line 3:

Lead towards a goal, not towards emptiness. Give people an incentive to be a part of your league. If you make them accomplish only arbitrary numbers and rewards that aren’t worth anything meaningful, they’ll soon lose interest in the journey as well as respect for you. 

If you’re taking people on a mission, they must have something to look forward to. Avoid making unrealistic promises as that usually pans out badly. A meaningful common goal that will benefit both parties is the best way to go right now. It creates a win-win situation and promotes unity. 

Line 4:

Knowing when to pull back is equally as important as the march itself. Certain situations will call for you to retreat; it’s the only way you’ll be able to reflect on obstacles and move forward with better precision. Temporary roadblocks don’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things, so no need to stress over them too much. 

If you feel like life is signaling you to wait it out for a bit then it’s probably best to do so. There’s no shame in admitting you’ve hit a wall. 

Line 5:

Failure is part of the game. You can only learn so much from others’ wisdom and hidden knowledge; the rest comes down to what you make out of your failures and mistakes. If a failure has unexpectedly come your way, don’t lose sight of future plans because of it. Continue working and execute them when the time comes. 

The ego interprets failure as a threat or rather an embarrassment. But, in reality, it’s far from it. Keep your ego out of such matters and let mistakes carve out a path for you. 

Line 6(The Top Line):

Choose compassion and relations over discipline on some occasions. Though it’s important to get, sometimes “giving” is where the real fulfillment is. Socialize not for the sake of pleasure but to give others a part of yourself they can depend on during difficult times. If needs are unfulfilled, be generous and lend a helping hand. Make sure to not expect in return though; generosity doesn’t work that way. Little acts of selflessness will go a long way in turning somebody’s life around.

Love & relationships OF IChing

For more interpretations about love and relationships in the I Ching, please refer to the content in the table below.