Hexagram 2 is one of the 64 hexagrams mentioned in the ancient book of I Ching. It is composed of six broken lines all horizontally stacked on top of each other. Hexagram 2 is representative of the mare. If the I Chang draws you towards the six broken lines of Hexagram 2, it likely means that universal forces are looking to test your endurance in several ways. 

More often than not, you’ll soon stumble upon a situation where you’ll have to lead and direct a large number of people towards a common goal. 

You’ll remain dictative but gentle throughout this journey creating harmony and equilibrium between people with different inherent talents and weaknesses. You won’t play the supporting role anymore and the pressure of responsibility will chip off the adolescent and bring out the “man”/”woman” inside you.

Hexagram 2 Message In Love

Hexagram 2 reminds you to not shut off your mind while in love. It’s common to think that love is a matter of the heart and not the mind but, if you’re not being given the respect, privacy, and security you deserve in a relationship, it’s time logic comes into play and you let go of that love for the better. 

The broken lines of the Hexagram represent the periods of ups and downs you may face while in love and they’re a warning that some things won’t always remain constant. If you’re willing to devote yourself to a being in this world, make sure you prepare to stand by their side no matter how strong the dividing forces may be!

meaning of Hexagram 2 i ching for love

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 2

Line 1:

Personal relationships (family and romantic) are about to take a blow. You’ll soon find yourself in a situation where you’ll have to choose between people which will lead to distance and eventually a complete break-off. 

You’ll be hurt, emotionally demolished, and maybe even mildly depressed, so be very careful when making big decisions in the coming few weeks as your heart and mind will certainly be out of the game.

Line 2: 

The second line in Hexagram 2 is about NOT putting excessive effort into things that only unfold at their own time. 

There’s a sense of urgency within you that’s eating you away from the inside. You feel the clock ticking every second and taking away moments of triumph from your future just because you aren’t progressing fast enough to get to time in time. You’re stuck in a loop…or an entanglement rather…

It’s not the time to create an escape plan for your situation but rather to make subtle changes towards developing a healthier relationship with yourself. Life isn’t always about getting somewhere; sometimes, the real fulfillment lies in slow and steady developments. 

Line 3:

Success is the most misinterpreted term in this universe. For some, it means achieving the most wealth and shine while for others success is just a mere hug from loved ones that reassures in the purest way possible. 

The third line of Hexagram 2 tells you to stop running after what others call “success” and “freedom”. Your life isn’t long enough for you to be wasting time embodying other peoples’ beliefs. 

What you call success is different. Find where it lies and what makes you feel accomplished. A gap will always remain between yours and other people’s perception of things. 

Line 4:

Conflicts and problems are slowly starting to emerge in relationships that were once perfect and low maintenance. You have an altercation with someone in your life every other day and it just throws you off balance. 

However, this is not the time to just shut down emotionally and watch as people drift away from you. Instead, put in real effort to sort things for the long run. It may seem like a lot of unpaid work and hassle right now but it’ll definitely be worth it. 

Line 5:

Though you may be living your best life right now, there’s a part of you that wants to show it off to others and make them feel like they’ve lost the race. It’s pride, ego, and everything destructive inside you speaking all at once.

Embrace humbleness and humility if you want to fight this evil. Be discreet if any accomplishments come your way. It’s better to remain equal to those around you rather than make them feel somehow inferior. It’s a hard skill to learn but a skill that MUST be learned. 

Line 6:

Someone in your life is trying to overpower your dominant personality. This clash of similar but pushful energies is not only disturbing your own mental health but also causing others around you a whole lot of trouble. 

Remember to NOT cross boundaries while trying to display assertiveness. Always own up to your mistakes if you make any and be open to advice from elders and even those who may seem younger or inexperienced. You never know what people have to offer. 

Love & relationships OF IChing

For more interpretations about love and relationships in the I Ching, please refer to the content in the table below.